2020 has problems.
We think youth have solutions.
Washington has always been a state of dreamers, doers, and innovators.
Now we’re calling on a new generation to take up the challenge.
Teachers, youth development programs, clubs and community-based organizations are invited to connect the youth they serve to this exciting opportunity to design solutions to the problems of today, and explore the careers of tomorrow.
From climate change to COVID-19, the state needs your ideas, your voice, and your help
Solve the Case, Help the State
The State of Innovation Challenge is a virtual, career connected learning problem solving challenge for middle school, high school, and out of school youth — including Open Doors students, WIOA-eligible youth, and Opportunity Youth.
We are inviting young people to use their imagination and innovation to design solutions to one of three “Challenge cases,” based on real challenges confronting our state.
Teachers and program leaders can access one on one support and curated resources to help them guide youth through the Challenges, including instructional guides to help with planning and a lesson bank to share lessons and activities with peers statewide.
Youth can design solutions and share their ideas with state leadership, and be recognized for their creativity and innovative thinking. They’ll also have opportunities to interact with industry leaders, explore Washington careers, and connect with postsecondary pathways.
The Challenge is flexible and scalable — you can join for an hour, a week, or build a project over several months.
The Challenge can be completed individually or in groups; in a classroom, club, after school program, with a case manager, or through a community organization.
Design solutions and share ideas with state leaders.
Solutions can be in any format — build, grow, sketch, write, make a video, do a service project or more.
Lead youth through the Challenge, share lesson and activity ideas with peers statewide.
Engage youth in exploration of the Challenge cases and future career paths.
Youth will have opportunities to learn about pathways to apprenticeships, Career Launch, and college, including scholarships and financial aid.
The Challenge is open November 2020-March 2021
You can get started at anytime in the open period
What are the Challenge Cases?
COVID-19 has disrupted how we produce, distribute, shop for, and share food across our agriculture rich state.
How can we ensure that all Washingtonians have access to healthy, affordable, environmentally sustainable food during and after this pandemic?
Explore careers in: Agriculture, hospitality, nonprofits, climate science
Social distancing has saved lives during the pandemic, but it can also leave people feeling isolated and anxious. People want to know the right things to do to be safe from COVID-19, but it’s not always easy to tell what information is accurate, or how you should act on information once you have it.
How can we support the mental health of elders and teens during the pandemic, while keeping them safe and healthy?
How can we help everyone get accurate, actionable information in a way that works for their community?
Explore careers in: Healthcare, journalism, public health, communications, outdoor recreation, robotics
The COVID-19 pandemic will not last forever, but it has changed our state. How can we help Washington build back from the pandemic in a healthier, more resilient, and more sustainable way?
Explore careers in: Manufacturing, urban planning, architecture, wildland firefighting, fish and wildlife protection, education

Ready for the Challenge?
Sign up to get information on how to participate, including upcoming trainings for educators and program leaders.